Tuesday, May 15, 2007


For the exact one week i have been working. Monday was suck. Very suck. Hours move too slowly. By the time it ends at 6, i thought i could leave but then i got stuck till 7 plus immediately after that i rush out like some goat that was let loose out from the barnyard. I made a visit to campus on last Monday. Nothing much change though except 'Pak Guard' was more relaxes. Government servant, what to expect and PM can proudly made a statement saying 'Government servants deserved pay rise'. Deserved my FOOT! Work so slow like never eat riceeeee. Idiot racist.

I learn something good today. You know the feeling of joy when you manage to make use of what’s that’s been taught. Feels like your on top of Mount Everest when you multiple your knowledge and eventually it does lead to somewhere. Basically, after i get back from work i go for a running spree in near by housing area or just the field out here. That’s how i pass my time from days to weeks these times around. I don’t know what to do, sometimes watch downloaded movies, series, and play with Tiger.

Tiger is so adorable. Fat and chubby. Well, i believe he's the best cat that has a very luxurious life ever. No need to worry what to eat, what to do, just sleep and sleep. Time to shit, he shit. Anyway he's not tame after all. It looks more like a miniture Tiger tho vary in size. Why time move so slow? The month of May seem so dreggy. I’ll just wait and be patient. I know, my friends are going through what i am feeling these days. At least i know i am glad that i am not the only one feeling this way. Let time heal and tell. I should just shut and tuck in bed now. I am not walking alone am i?

Nope. He's with me. Yes indeed. I can said it all loud and clear. My concious are.

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