Saturday, June 23, 2007

It's The Time Of The Year

Singapore really has the reputation when it comes to sale. Why do I say so? It’s a good bargain. Well, on certain items that definitely will catch your attention once you see and get hold of it. The greener side of it is that basically it’s more of a beneficial for the ladies I mean come on shopping and sales makes happy and wonderful women mouth wide open. I am one of the victim well, not exactly victim more like willingly arms wide open falling to this trap. I wish to go there I mean I want to got here again. Just give me one more try. I will make this come true. I will succeed.

I think most people would love spending their money in Tagashima.

massive crowd.

With Singapore's Gross Domestic Production yearly, no wonder Singaporeans could splurge money like my grandfather Lee Kuan Yew keeps chopping and re-producing S$ dollar.

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